SAA News
Jul 31, 2019
Update to SAA Submissions Requirements for the 85th Annual Meeting
In response to concerns and in consultation with new legal counsel, the SAA Board voted on July 29, 2019, to adopt a revised self-certification on the 2020 Call for Submissions.
Jun 26, 2019
Annual Meeting Submissions 101: How to Create an Organized Session
John Douglass, Ph.D, RPA, provides step-by-step video instructions showing how easy it is to use SAA’s submissions system to create and submit an organized session for SAA’s Annual Meeting.
Jun 20, 2019
El Premio Anual Charles Stanish para asistir a la Reunión Anual de la SAA
Se estableció el Premio Anual Charles Stanish para asistir a la reunión anual de la SAA para ayudar en el desarrollo profesional de los arqueólogos peruanos y bolivianos en las primeras etapas de su quehacer profesional.
Jun 19, 2019
Organizing an Annual Meeting Session Just Got Easier
Connect now with possible session participants and organizers through the "Session Organizers Looking for Participants" discussion thread in the Collaboration e-Community.
May 23, 2019
SAA 2020 Call for Nominations
The 2020 Nominating Committee of SAA requests nominations for the Board of Directors.
May 20, 2019
Julia Hendon and Calogero Santoro Appointed Co-Editors of Latin American Antiquity
Latin American Antiquity is a quarterly journal devoted to special reports on archaeology, prehistory, and ethnohistory in Mesoamerica, Central America, and South America, and culturally related areas.
May 14, 2019
Dr. Dawn M. Rutecki Appointed to the Society for American Archaeology Board of Directors
Dawn M. Rutecki, Ph.D., RPA, has been appointed to the SAA Board of Directors as an interim member-at-large.
May 10, 2019
SAA to Offer Geoarchaeology Online Seminar on May 30th
Learn about geoarchaeological principles and the latest methodological advances in the digital age, as well as how to develop project strategies. Bring your questions for the live Q&A portion of the seminar!
May 08, 2019
Chairs Give Update on the SAA Task Force on Sexual and Anti-Harassment Policies and Procedures
Kelley Hays-Gilpin, chair, and Meagan Thies-Sauder, student co-chair, are pleased to announce that the SAA Task Force on Sexual and Anti-Harassment Policies and Procedures is populated.
May 03, 2019
Improving Safety at the SAA 85th Annual Meeting
Important updates concerning meeting safety.
May 02, 2019
A Letter to SAA Members and a Video Message from Joe Watkins
When things get tough, we need members like you to help guide us forward.
Apr 18, 2019
An Open Letter to the SAA Membership
As the President of the Board of the Society for American Archaeology I want to apologize for the events that happened last week in Albuquerque under my watch.
Apr 17, 2019
Dispelling the rumors regarding Dr. David Yesner's removal from the SAA meeting
To dispel the rumors as to how SAA handled the Dr. David Yesner situation at the SAA annual meeting, here’s a detailed description of the events.
Apr 16, 2019
SAA Issues an Apology
SAA apologizes for the unfortunate situation which occurred at the SAA annual meeting.
Apr 16, 2019
A Message from SAA
We want to assure you that we take this matter very seriously and we hear you.
Apr 15, 2019
A Message from SAA
We are sorry for not responding sooner to your comments and concerns.
Apr 01, 2019
Shuttle Bus Schedule for Annual Meeting
Shuttle bus service between the ACC and four hotels will be provided during the meeting. For shuttle service hours, please view the Shuttle Bus Schedule.
Mar 28, 2019
Onsite Registration Begins Wednesday, April 10
If you missed advance registation, you can register onsite during the SAA 84th Annual Meeting.
Mar 20, 2019
Support Protections for America's Battlefields
Important new bipartisan legislation—Preserving America’s Battlefields Act—provides greater protections for American battlefields.
Mar 12, 2019
SAA Statement in Support of Kentucky Archaeology (2019)
SAA statement concerning the University of Kentucky's recent termination of the Kentucky Archaeological Survey, the Program for Archaeological Research, and their entire staffs.