The Society for American Archaeology is an international organization recognized as a leading voice in support of archaeology. SAA is the go-to resource for archaeology and archaeological issues. Our leadership is comprised of highly trained and experienced archaeologists. and our members are on the forefront of cutting edge research.
Archaeology captures the public's imagination, uncovers common origins, and helps us understand our shared past. TV shows, movies, books, and articles about archaeology and archaeologists are a constant hit in mainstream media. SAA is committed to helping the media and entertainment industries portray archaeology responsibly and factually. We invite inquiries from the media about the exciting research and work being done by SAA archaeologists, the practice of archaeology, and about issues related to policy that affect archaeology.
SAA News
Apr 16, 2019
A Message from SAA
We want to assure you that we take this matter very seriously and we hear you.
Apr 15, 2019
A Message from SAA
We are sorry for not responding sooner to your comments and concerns.
Mar 28, 2019
Onsite Registration Begins Wednesday, April 10
If you missed advance registation, you can register onsite during the SAA 84th Annual Meeting.
Mar 20, 2019
Support Protections for America's Battlefields
Important new bipartisan legislation—Preserving America’s Battlefields Act—provides greater protections for American battlefields.
Mar 12, 2019
SAA Statement in Support of Kentucky Archaeology (2019)
SAA statement concerning the University of Kentucky's recent termination of the Kentucky Archaeological Survey, the Program for Archaeological Research, and their entire staffs.
Mar 07, 2019
SAA Releases Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure for Archaeologists in Diverse Academic Roles
To help academia properly evaluate current practices in archaeological scholarship, SAA has released Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure for Archaeologists in Diverse Academic Roles.
Mar 04, 2019
Society for American Archaeology Announces 2019 Award Recipients
The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2019 awards.
Feb 25, 2019
SAA Calls on BLM to End All Lease Sales in the Chaco Canyon Region
In a Feb. 15, 2019, letter to the Bureau of Land Management, SAA called on the BLM to halt all land lease sales in the BLM-Farmington Field Office area, which encompasses the increasingly threatened lands surrounding the Chaco Culture National Historical Park.
Feb 08, 2019
SAA Releases Guidelines for Preparing Legacy Archaeological Collections for Curation
The guidelines provide an overview of tasks and considerations that are necessary prior to transferring collections to a repository.
Feb 05, 2019
SAA Election Results
SAA is pleased to announce the results of its 2019 election.
Jan 18, 2019
New Titles Added to The SAA Press Archive
Four new titles have been added to The SAA Press Archive and are available for members to download.
Jan 17, 2019
Society for American Archaeology Calls on Senate to End Government Shutdown
The ongoing US government shutdown is placing the nation's cultural heritage at severe risk of degradation and destruction.
Jan 17, 2019
Extension for SAA Members Impacted by the US Government Shutdown
SAA is offering a renewal extension to members who plan to participate in the 84th Annual Meeting and who are impacted by the federal government shutdown.
Dec 20, 2018
Society for American Archaeology Announces New Grant to Fund Precolumbian Archaeological Research
A generous new grant program administered by SAA will fund Latin American archaeological projects that show promise for significant contributions to understanding precolumbian Latin American indigenous cultures.
Nov 28, 2018
Poll Finds Overwhelming Support for Archaeology in the US
A majority of Americans overwhelmingly value the work of archaeologists, according to a recent poll released by the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) and Ipsos.
Oct 11, 2018
Society for American Archaeology Condemns European Auctions of Native American Cultural Heritage
The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) condemns the continued auction of objects of Native American cultural heritage by EVE (Estimations Ventes aux Enchères).
Aug 07, 2018
Oona Schmid Named New Executive Director of the Society for American Archaeology
The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) announced today that it has appointed Oona Schmid, CAE, as its new Executive Director.
Jun 21, 2018
SAA Statement on the Proposed Changes to AP World History Revisions (2018)
SAA expresses concerns to the College Board about the proposed changes to the AP World History exam.
May 03, 2018
SAA Statement on the Participation of BLM Archaeologists at the 83th Annual Meeting (2018)
SAA's President, Susan Chandler, responds to the of Bureau of Land Management denying archaeologists permission to participate in the 83th SAA Annual Meeting.