Human Remains

The SAA recognizes that images of human remains and some funerary objects have the potential to be offensive and unsettling to some members of our community and those communities with whom we work. We ask that presenters please disclose at the beginning of their presentations that they will show such images in an effort to create a more respectful environment for all. During the call for submissions, some organizers and presenters also checked a box indicating that their presentation(s) might include images of human remains. Those sessions are: 




Session Title
26Ethical Dilemmas in the Study and Care of Human Remains beyond North America
31Historical Archaeology in Europe
36Mortuary Practices and Human Remains in Mesoamerica
41Entre costas, ríos, lagos y manantiales: Arqueología subacuática en contextos prehispánicos en Latinoamérica y el Caribe
44Technology, Production, and Social Changes in Chinese Archaeology
45Landscapes of Death: Placemaking and Postmortem Agencies
48Disentangling Puebla/Tlaxcala: Recent Advances in Archaeology, Ethnohistory, and Visual Culture
49Archaeometallurgy, Eurasia, and Beyond: Papers in Honor of Vince Pigott
51Cooperative and Noncooperative Transitions in the Archaeological Record
52Sessions in Honor of Dr. Fred Valdez Jr. and His Contributions to Archaeology Part 1
54Unfinished Business and Untold Stories: Digging into the Complexity of “Animal Domestication”
60Global Coastal and Island Archaeology
61The Current State of Archaeological Research across Southeast Asia
64Digital Archaeology Part 1: Photogrammetry and 3D Modeling
65From Teapots to Monuments: Ceremony, Ritual, and Symbolism
75Mortuary Archaeology and Bioarchaeology in the Southeastern United States
79Bioarchaeology in East Asia
80Metallurgy around the World
82Upper Paleolithic in SW Asia and the Levant
83Nuevos datos de la dinastía Kaanu’l en el Clásico Temprano de la tierras bajas mayas: Proyecto Promeza Dzibanche/Kaanu’l 2023-2024
100For Conquest or Defense? The Fortresses and Fortified Centers of Mesoamerica
104Black as Night, Dark as Death: Bioarchaeology of the Mesoamerican Subterranean
109Sessions in Honor of Dr. Fred Valdez Jr. and His Contributions to Archaeology Part 2
115Urbanism and Social Complexity in East Asia
117New Research in South American Bioarchaeology
118Archaeology of the Gulf Coast in Mesoamerica
155Educating the Public and Professionals in Archaeology
159Community-Engaged Archaeology in Latin America
166Repositioning Altar de Sacrificios on the Ancient Maya Landscape
167Stable Isotope Analysis in Global History
169Recent Investigations in Maya Archaeology, Epigraphy, Bioarchaeology, and Zooarchaeology by the Holmul Archaeological Project in Northeastern Peten, Guatemala
172Emplacement and Relational Approaches to the Ancient Americas
180From the Underworld to the Heavens: Expanding the Study of Central Jalisco’s Past
182Scaling New Heights: Recent Advances in Andean Zooarchaeology
184Theorizing Warfare: Global Perspectives on Defense and Fortification
194Where We All Started: Childhood
200Ritual Space and Practice throughout Latin America
201Exercising Freedoms: Historical Archaeology of the African Diaspora in Latin America
202Images of the Uinta Fremont (AD 0–1300)
215Bioarchaeology in Europe
226Ethics and Repatriation
229African Archaeology from Coast to Coast
230Archaeology of the Rocky Mountains
231Communities of Practice in Mesoamerica
233Cruising Right Along: Recent Advances in the Archaeology of the Caribbean
273Life on the Edge: Investigations in the Department of Piura, the “Extreme North” of the Central Andes, Peru
276*MW In the Shadow of the Rockies: Historical Bioarchaeology and Mortuary Archaeology in Colorado
281Early Human Adaptation on the African Coasts: Comparing Northwest Morocco and the Cape of South Africa
282Social Dynamics in the North Highlands of Peru during the Formative Period: The Pacopampa Project’s Contribution to Understanding the Early Complex Societies in the Andes
283The Maritime Maya: Current Archaeology of Coastal Yucatán, Mexico, and Belize
287Engaging with Archaeological Theory
288Global Perspectives on Biomolecular Approaches to Human-Animal Interactions Past and Present
289Papers in Honor of Deborah L. Nichols
290The Classic-Postclassic Transition in Oaxaca
294Interdisciplinary Approaches to Basque Archaeology: Current Research and Future Directions
308Adventures in Archaeometry from around the World
313Gender and Childhood around the World
316aDNA: Recent Findings and Methodological Advancements
320Bioarchaeology Part 1: Stable Isotope Analysis
321Bioarchaeology Part 2: Skeletal Analysis
330Michoacán and West Mexico: New Research in Interaction, Exchange, and Mobility
331A Movable Feast: Mobility and Commensalism in the Andes
332Advances in Stone Age Archaeology of Central Asia
333The Archaeology of Care and Power
335Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust: The Archaeology of El Salvador
343(De)Pathologizing the Past: New Perspectives on Intervention and Modification as Care in the Americas
344Understanding the Mexican Gulf Coast Postclassic
346From the Lab to the Field: Pioneering Approaches to Undergraduate Mentoring in Archaeology
347Moving the Needle: Expanding the Discourse on Modern Archaeology in Oaxaca Part 2
349New Discoveries and Interpretations in Mesoamerican Archaeology
353Iconography in the American Southwest
354New Investigations of the Inka
367Indigenous Practices and Material Culture: 70 Years of Mission Life
374From Ores to Ontologies: Recent Research in South American Archaeometallurgy
376Complex Human-Animal Interactions in the Americas
380Ritual Closure: A Global Perspective
381The Subterranean in Mesoamerican Sacred Landscapes: A Multidisciplinary Assessment
383From Origins to Collapses: New Insights in the Cultural and Natural Processes of the Mirador-Calakmul Karst Basin
386New Advances in Cusco Archaeology: From the Formative to the Late Horizon
393Interregional Relations of the Zoque Province and Its Surrounding Areas



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