If you have any questions or comments, SAA staff would love to hear from you.

Manager, Communications and Fundraising
I manage four programs—communications, fundraising, awards, and scholarships—working with the SAA board, staff, and volunteer committees. I oversee and maintain the SAA’s communications services, including Notes from HQ and SAA news and announcements, and act as press liaison between the SAA president and the media. I manage donor recognition and acknowledgments, donor reports, and the Annual Appeal. I work with the scholarship committees to solicit and collect applications and notify recipients. Administering the scholarship programs allows me to work one-on-one with the scholarship students to ensure their funds benefit their education, including working directly on their behalf with universities and programs when needed. I work with the awards committee and committee chairs to solicit award nominations, notify recipients, and prepare awards materials for the Annual Meeting, and to promote the award recipients’ achievements. Each of my programs strengthens the SAA’s ability to support the field of archaeology and recognize professional accomplishments.
Alongside the entire staff, I work to deliver the Annual Meeting. Prior to the meeting, I help with meeting communications, the program, and preparing the meeting shipment. At the meeting, in addition to communications, I’m a floater, working the staff office, signage, the exhibit booth, the poster hall, the business meeting and awards ceremony, and anywhere else an extra hand is needed. I create the award plaques and work with the president on the awards ceremony.
If your work has been in the news or if you have a question about scholarship or award opportunities, please let me know by e-mailing any of the addresses below.
Media Relations
Specific Scholarships
Matthew Tobin Cappetta Scholarship - Matthew_Cappetta_fund@saa.org
Historically Underrepresented Groups Scholarships - HUGS@saa.org
Native American Scholarships - nasf@saa.org
Cheryl L. Wase Scholarships - wase@saa.org

Senior Manager, Meetings and Membership
I coordinate member communications, which includes notifications about services, benefits, renewals, voting, the call for submissions, registration for the Annual Meeting, and any information that is relevant to members. I help interest groups get out newsletters and e-mail communications, and I support the Council of Allied Societies. I work with companies to help them let our readers, attendees, and members learn about new books, tools, and information of value to them by managing the ads in the SAA publications, website, newsletters, and at the Annual Meeting. This revenue helps keep dues and registration rates as low as possible. I lead the exhibits and sponsorship program; help the board vet applicants; and for the Annual Meeting exhibit hall, design the layout, process booth reservations, and oversee the hall.
Alongside the entire staff, we work to deliver the Annual Meeting. I work with meeting venues to ensure we have the adequate meeting space. I work with our vendors to provide services like audio-visual, food and beverage, etc., that presenters and attendees rely on. I work with the Local Advisory Committee chair to design the look of the meeting and develop marketing to highlight the meeting location, workshops, and other events that are specific to the location.
Yo hablo castellano y seria un placer ayudarle con cualquier pregunta. Please let me know if I can assist you with your membership or your SAA subscriptions.

Manager, Government Affairs
I work with members, committees, and elected leadership to ensure that the SAA remains a leading voice to protect the archaeological record and jobs in the United States and around the world. It is my responsibility to make sure that SAA members are able to represent the archaeological community before the US Congress, the White House, federal agencies, and international organizations. I monitor all policy issues in the legislative and regulatory arenas that impact the archaeological record, employment, and funding, and I work with the Society’s advisory committees and the board of directors to formulate and implement advocacy strategies to secure positive outcomes. In support of the policy activities, I manage a substantial range of communications channels, including the publication of the monthly government affairs update to member subscribers; the Positions and Actions page on the website; the new international Archaeology Action Network; the Gaining Ground notifications to members; and the Take Action portal by which members and supporters can send electronic comments to Congress, the White House, and federal agencies.
Alongside the entire staff, we work to deliver the Annual Meeting. In particular, I assist in running the on-site and advance registration desks. I also provide staff support for the meetings of the Government Affairs, International Government Affairs, and Repatriation Committees during the Annual Meeting, and provide reports to the board of committee activities. In addition, I help set up and pack up the registration and SAA booth areas before and after each meeting.
Government Affairs

Deputy Executive Director
I support the Society for American Archaeology by overseeing and improving the organization’s operational processes and finances, working closely with the Executive Director in a trusted advisor role. I can answer questions about payments and invoices, assist the board with policy-making, and will lead the membership team as we continue to examine and refine our internal processes associated with recruiting, maintaining, and developing our membership. I am a skilled problem-solver, communicator, and leader. I will ensure the organization’s operations are well documented.
Alongside the entire staff, we work together to deliver the Annual Meeting. I will ensure new registrations are processed, cash needs met, and our staff morale remains high while we plan and host an exceptional event.
I am always available for any question(s) you may have.
Chief Financial Officer/Deputy Executive Director

Associate, Membership Engagement
I support members by helping to increasing member involvement in the Society. I process membership applications, work with interest groups and committees, administer the open call for committee service, and organize online events for members. I also work with our DEIJ (diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice) consultant and our executive director to facilitate these changes at the organization.
Alongside the entire staff, we work to deliver the Annual Meeting. I support the call for submissions by helping session chairs and general session submitters to successfully submit and register. I also run the volunteer program, organize allied-society meetings and excursions, and help make sure that the meeting is operating smoothly.
Don’t know who to e-mail? Contact me and I will direct you to the staff member who can assist you!

Coordinator, Membership
I support members by being the first line of communication. I answer the phone to assist you with any questions or concerns you might have. I connect members with the product or service that they need, and I can help you reset your password or update your email address. I answer questions to help our members meet their goals, such as clarifying submission formats during the call for submissions or aiding a member in getting access to a publication. I receive and send out mail for the organization.
Alongside the entire staff, we work to deliver the Annual Meeting. I support Emma with the volunteers, set up signs and directionals to help people find session rooms and amenities, and you will meet me if you sign up for an excursion or a workshop!
Don’t know who to e-mail? I can connect you with the staff member who can assist you!

Manager, Publications
I support the dissemination of archaeological research alongside our volunteer editors and reviewers as the managing editor and liaison to Cambridge University Press for American Antiquity, Latin American Antiquity, and Advances in Archaeological Practice. I proofread the journals and update the journal webpages. As the managing editor of The SAA Archaeological Record, I support the volunteer editor, copyedit the content, ensure layout, proofread the pages, and oversee final publication and printing. As the production manager for The SAA Press, I prepare manuscripts and supervise vendors to get volumes available in print and/or for Kindle. I support the SAA staff and community by proofreading all internal SAA communications and newsletters and also any external communications on behalf of the SAA upon request.
Alongside the entire staff, we work to deliver the Annual Meeting. I serve as the staff liaison to a random selection of session chairs during the open call for submissions. I copyedit, proofread, and and/or manage the production of all documents for Annual Meetings, including the exhibitor and advertiser prospectus, the preliminary program, abstracts, the final program, on-site registration forms, and on-site updates. I also support the meeting by staffing the SAA booth in the exhibit hall, attending editorial and Publications Committee business meetings, and helping with other meeting duties as needed.
If you need permission to reprint material from The SAA Archaeological Record or books published by The SAA Press or if you have a question about accessing our publications, please contact me.
The SAA Press

Executive Director
I support the board to ensure the Society has policies that govern the services that our members rely on like our Annual Meeting, journals, government affairs advocacy, online seminars, awards, grants, and scholarships. I oversee staff to ensure that those policies end up providing these services to members in the most timely and helpful ways possible. I hire and review staff and manage workloads. When the office moves or when the meeting is modified to an online format, I distribute the work so that the Society can effectively deliver this change. I ensure the SAA maintains our nonprofit status, and I work with gift donors to expand our ability to support students and early career archaeologists. With Amy, we are currently the grant administrators for the H. and T. King Grants.
Alongside the entire staff, we work together to deliver the Annual Meeting. I secure hotel room blocks; make sure we have vendors to provide Wi-Fi and A/V services; and help leadership learn more about the Society by organizing board orientations and meetings, committee and task force meetings, interest group business meetings, and the Annual Business Meeting.
I am always available for any question you may have.
Executive Director

Manager, Education and Outreach
I help members and the discipline advance their knowledge and skills as archaeologists and help the public to learn more about archaeology. I organize and run the SAA’s Online Seminar Series, which are one- and two-hour virtual professional development lectures held throughout the year. I manage the SAA’s public outreach initiatives, thanks to the donors to the Public Education Endowment Fund. I design educational activities and participate in festivals, classroom visits, and community events. I answer questions from students, educators, and people who are interested in what we do as archaeologists. I collaborate with other staff and colleagues to advocate for ethical stewardship of archaeological resources through social media and provide information to legislators and policy-makers. I serve as staff liaison for several member groups, including the Public Education Committee and Public Archaeology Interest Group, supporting members who engage with the public.
Alongside the entire staff, I work to deliver the Annual Meeting. Before the meeting, I help make sure session organizers have the information they need as they gather participants together. At the meeting, I present our first-time attendees’ orientation, helping newcomers get the most out of their conference experience. I organize the State Archaeology Celebration Poster Contest, where we celebrate local heritage through beautiful and informative designs. When I’m not attending meetings or catching up on the latest developments in public archaeology sessions, you can find me helping other staff where needed—in the exhibit hall, at the registration desk, putting up signs, checking in for excursions, etc.
You can contact me about public engagement, online seminars, your professional development as an archaeologist, or questions you may have about archaeology.
Education & Outreach
Online Seminars

Manager, Information Services
I serve as webmaster for the Society and maintain all of the web pages on the SAA website, including the online submissions system used during the Annual Meeting call for submissions and the member database. Utilizing the member database (which helps staff keep track of information committees and task force services), I create webpages about the organization (such as the pages behind the member login). I assist staff with IT related needs, including but not limited to phone, hardware, and networking issues.
Alongside the entire staff, we work to deliver the Annual Meeting. I create and open the submission portal and export the reports that become the preliminary and final programs. I create and print badges and ensure advance registration materials arrive at the conference venue. I build the meeting application and any online components of the meeting. I oversee on-site registration to help people get access to the meeting as quickly and smoothly as possible.
Send us an e-mail, or if you would prefer to give us a call, staff is generally available from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time (+1 202-789-8200.)
The SAA office is closed on U.S. Federal holidays.