Upcoming Member Events and Opportunities
For Foundational Skills, Deeper Digs, Knowledge Series, SALSA, and Career Pathways events, please register beforehand. To learn more about these different types of opportunities, see Continuing Education.
Archaeology Education: Creating more Effective Materials and Delivery [Knowledge Series]
SAA, ACRA, and SHA History Matters Campaign [Career Pathways]
Remote Sensing and 3D Modeling Tools: Digital Twins for Documenting and Preserving History [Deeper Digs]
Introduction to Heritage at Risk: Becoming Active in Climate Heritage Research and Networks [Deeper Digs]
Participate in the SAA
The SAA offers multiple ways for its members to participate in the Society and to connect with colleagues.
Interest groups offer SAA members the opportunity to exchange information and ideas on specific topics. To promote these conversations, interest groups may support an e-Community. e-Communities foster discussions and the exchange of ideas with colleagues from around the globe.