Latin American Antiquity

Latin American Antiquity is a quarterly journal that publishes original papers on the archaeology, ethnohistory, and art history of Latin America and the Caribbean and all regions in the continental New World that are south of the current U.S.-Mexico border. The journal publishes ARTICLES, REPORTS, and COMMENTS in method and theory, field research, and analysis that use a Latin American database as defined above.
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First, you must find the article from which you are requesting permission to reproduce material on the Cambridge Core site. If you are not a current SAA member, you can view tables of contents and abstracts by visiting Cambridge Core. Current SAA members can access full content by logging on to the “For Members” tab and then click on “Access Your Online Journal(s)” to navigate to the desired journal/issue.
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New in June 2017 and updated in December 2023, the Society for American Archaeology has released a fully revised and updated publication policy and style guide in English and Spanish. The new guide provides updated submission requirements and policies, as well as procedures as they relate to our publishing partner, Cambridge University Press. In the updated guide you will find more robust guidance regarding diversity and inclusivity in language and for citing Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge and various electronic sources (websites, blogs, etc.), updated protocols for certain formatting issues (e.g., references cited styling and including issue numbers for all periodicals), information regarding the requirement to document funding, data availability, and competing interests, and more. The submission and style requirements are effective immediately, so please be sure to carefully review the new guide before you submit a manuscript.
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Authors are encouraged to use the Citation Style Language (CSL) supplied by the SAA for formatting their references. A CSL is a standardized format used to automate the consistent formatting of citations and bibliographies in academic writing. This file works seamlessly with reference management software like Zotero or Mendeley. The SAA's CSL file can be downloaded from