Fryxell Award for Interdisciplinary Research for 2026
Nomination/Submission Deadline: 24 Feb 2025
Award Description
The Fryxell Award is presented in recognition for interdisciplinary excellence of a scientist who need not be an archaeologist, but whose research has contributed significantly to American archaeology. The award is made possible through the generosity of the family of the late Roald Fryxell, a geologist whose career exemplified the crucial role of multidisciplinary cooperation in archaeology. The award cycles through zoological sciences, botanical sciences, earth sciences, physical sciences, and general interdisciplinary studies. The Fryxell Award for 2026 will be presented in the ZOOLOGY category. The Chair for this award is Sarah C. Sherwood.
Who Is Eligible to Submit Nominations or Apply for the Award
Anyone may submit a nomination. The committee does not accept self-nominations. Awardees may be members or nonmembers of the SAA.
Nomination/Submission Materials Required
Nominators must submit a letter that describes the nature, scope, and significance of the nominee’s contributions to American archaeology, as well as the nominee’s curriculum vita. Support letters from other scholars are helpful. Four to six are suggested. Please send submissions to the committee chair.
Other Special Requirements
Prior to any award recommendation being finalized and publicly announced, anyone recommended for an award, scholarship, or grant will be required to certify the following:
(a) I am not and have not ever been the subject of a discrimination or harassment lawsuit or related administrative complaint that resulted in an adverse finding; and(b) I do not have and have not had a current or pending disciplinary action such as suspension or termination of registration, resulting from a Register of Professional Archaeologists’ grievance investigation.
Nature of Award (e.g. monetary, medal, symposium)
A half-day symposium is held in honor of the awardee at the SAA Annual Meeting. In addition, the awardee is recognized by the SAA through a plaque presented during the business meeting held at the Annual Meeting, the Fryxell medal, a citation in The SAA Archaeological Record, and acknowledgment on the awards page of the SAA Website.
Current Committee Charge
The committee solicits nominations and selects recipients for the Fryxell Award for Interdisciplinary Research. The award is presented in special recognition of interdisciplinary excellence by a scientist (not necessarily an archaeologist) whose research has contributed significantly to American archaeology. The award rotates among five categories: general interdisciplinary, physical sciences, zoology, plant sciences, and earth sciences.
Committee Composition
Committee composition is one chair and four members. Each member's term lasts 5 years, during the last of which the member serves as chair. The terms are staggered so that only one member (the chair) rotates off each year. Committee chair rotates among topical foci. Committee membership is by appointment rather than by volunteers. All members require Board approval because everyone may become chair at some point in time.
Term Length
Five years following the award cycle.
Award Cycle
The award cycles through five categories (zoology [2026], plant sciences [2027], earth sciences [2028], physical sciences [2029], general interdisciplinary [2030] … and begins again).
Committee Chair and End of Term
Barnet Pavão-Zuckerman [2026]
Committee Chair Contact Information
Committee Members and Ends of Terms
Selection or Evaluation Criteria
Nominees are evaluated on the breadth and depth of their research and its impact on American archaeology, the nominee’s role in increasing awareness of interdisciplinary studies in archaeology, and the nominee’s public and professional service to the community.
Committee Deliberation Process (e.g. dates, venue)
The committee meets electronically after the nomination deadline has passed.
2024 Luis Alberto Barba Pingarrón
2023 Timothy Beach
2022 Dolores Piperno
2021 Mary Clare Stiner
2020 Debra Martin
2019 M. Steven Shackley
2018 Vance Terrell Holliday
2017 Naomi Frances Miller
2016 Elizabeth J. Reitz
2015 David Hurst Thomas
2014 Marvin W. Rowe
2013 Anthony Aveni
2012 Christine Hastorf
2011 R. Lee Lyman
2010 Jane E. Buikstra
2009 Michael D. Glascock
2008 Paul Goldberg
2007 Vaughn M. Bryant
2006 Oscar Polaco Ramos
2005 Bruce D. Smith
2004 R.E. (Erv) Taylor
2003 George Rapp
2002 Deborah M. Pearsall
2001 Melinda A. Zeder
2000 Richards S. MacNeish
1999 Henry P. Schwarcz
1998 John W. Weymouth
1997 Vorsila L. Bohrer
1996 Elizabeth S. Wing
1995 Robert J. Braidwood
1994 Garman Harbottle
1993 Herbert E. Wright, Jr.
1992 Richard Yarnell
1991 Paul W. Parmalee
1990 Patty Jo Watson
1989 Joseph B. Lambert
1988 David M. Hopkins
1987 Richard I. Ford
1986 Donald K. Grayson
1985 Roger T. Saucier
1984 None
1983 John E. Guilday (posthumous)
1982 David A. Baerreis
1981 Karl W. Butzer
1980 James B. Griffin
1979 Peter J. Mehringer
1978 C. Vance Haynes