For Foundational Skills, Deeper Digs, Knowledge Series, Rising Scholars, SALSA, and Career Pathways events, please register beforehand. To learn more about these different types of opportunities, see Continuing Education.
Project Management in Archaeology: How to Finish on Budget and Ahead of Schedule while Meeting Expectations [Foundational Skills]
Project management is an extremely important but critically underused body of knowledge in archaeology. Many of the activities that archaeologists engage in fit the definition of a project, but many of us were never introduced to effective project management methods, instead learning through trial and error. The goal of this seminar is to provide an overview of basic project management as an effective tool that can be employed by attendees, including students (e.g., thesis or dissertation objectives, class and independent projects, and publications), private and public sector professionals (e.g., fieldwork, reporting, grant writing, and consultation), and academics (e.g., specific service obligations, publications, student mentorship, and research). Participants should come away with the ability to clarify the role of scope, schedule, and budget in their own projects; identify what makes a project successful; and recognize common pitfalls that contribute to project failure.