SAA 2021 Online Archaeology Week
All activities are free and do not require an annual meeting registration. For questions, please contact
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Activity Booklet
Download the booklet [PDF 6.5 MB] for activities using archaeological knowledge, word searches, connect-the-dots, and 3D models of artifacts. Some activities can be done digitally, while others may need to be printed. If you complete any of the activities in this booklet, you can send it to the Society for American Archaeology for a small prize, an embroidered patch, pictured below. You can either email the document to (saved or scanned) or physically mail it to our office.

Speaker Series
Listen to a series of archaeologists and other experts share their knowledge about heritage and the past through 5-10 minute talks. You can watch their individual lectures below or watch the full YouTube playlist.
Live Speakers and Q&A
The following speakers presented their talks in a live event on April 7 at 6:00 PM Eastern Time:
James Delgado
Gold Rush Pompeii: The Archaeology of Downtown San Francisco’s Buried Ships and Gold Rush Waterfront
Leah Grant
San Mateo Veterans Curation Program
The Veterans Curation Program: Engaging California's Past for the Future
Joe D. Horse Capture
Autry Museum of the American West
"We, Native Americans, Reclaim the Land Known as Alcatraz Island"
A Q&A session followed their presentations, when they were joined by Gregg Castro and Anna Goldfield to answer questions from the audience.You can view a recording of the questions and responses.
Prerecorded Speakers
The following speakers prerecorded their talks:
Gregg Castro (t'rowt'raahl Salinan / rumsien & ramaytush Ohlone)
Association of Ramaytush Ohlone
Land Owns Us
Ayana Omilade Flewellen
Anthropology Department at UC Riverside
Diving with a Purpose
Anna Goldfield
University of Tulsa
From Caveman to Cousin: The Neanderthal Image and Science Communication
Lara Lloyd
Chandler-Gilbert Community College
Yes, You Can Taste, Touch, and Lick the Science: Methods for Student Engagement in Archaeology
Bernard K. Means
Virtual Curation Laboratory
Was Frederick Douglass an Archaeologist?
David Robinson
University of Central Lancashire Division of Archaeology
Enhanced Reality: The New Possibilities of Immersive Virtual Archaeology
Stanford Archaeology Center
Beer Making in Ancient China
Additional Resources
Exploring Archaeology in California: A PDF [461 KB] of resources for getting involved in archaeology in California, made for the National Council for the Social Studies conference in San Francisco, 2017.
Ancestral Landscapes: Kevin O'Briant presents a series on the ecological history of California from an archaeological perspective in this YouTube playlist.
Learn about Archaeology in Your State: This map by Elizabeth Reetz can help you find an archaeologist to contact near you. If you have questions about archaeology resources, activities, and events of interest to teachers and families, ask a local archaeologist!
We would love your feedback on our 2021 Online Archaeology Week. Please share what you learned about archaeology or felt was missing on our feedback wall.
SAA's Online Archaeology Week is made possible through donations to the Public Education Endowment Fund.