SAA News
Oct 11, 2018
Society for American Archaeology Condemns European Auctions of Native American Cultural Heritage
The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) condemns the continued auction of objects of Native American cultural heritage by EVE (Estimations Ventes aux Enchères).
Aug 07, 2018
Oona Schmid Named New Executive Director of the Society for American Archaeology
The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) announced today that it has appointed Oona Schmid, CAE, as its new Executive Director.
Jun 21, 2018
SAA Statement on the Proposed Changes to AP World History Revisions (2018)
SAA expresses concerns to the College Board about the proposed changes to the AP World History exam.
May 03, 2018
SAA Statement on the Participation of BLM Archaeologists at the 83th Annual Meeting (2018)
SAA's President, Susan Chandler, responds to the of Bureau of Land Management denying archaeologists permission to participate in the 83th SAA Annual Meeting.