Past Events

Quantification in Zooarchaeology: Calculating and Critiquing NISP, MNI, and MNE [Deeper Digs]

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Quantification in Zooarchaeology: Calculating and Critiquing NISP, MNI, and MNE [Deeper Digs]

When: February 24, 2023 1:00-3:00 PM ET

Duration: 2 hours

Certification: RPA-certified


Individual Registration: $99 for SAA members; $149 for non-members

Group Registration: $139 for SAA members; $189 for non-members

Gillian Wong, PhD, RPA, University of Tuebingen and Metropolitan Community College - Kansas City

Dr. Wong received a PhD in Archaeological Sciences from the University of Tuebingen (Germany), a MS in Anthropology from the University of Utah, and a BA in Anthropology from the University of California, Davis. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Tuebingen and an adjunct professor of anthropology at Metropolitan Community College - Kansas City. She is a zooarchaeologist who is particularly interested in how large-scale environmental changes affected past foragers on the local-level. She is currently involved in two research projects, one at Langmahdhalde, a Paleolithic site in southwest Germany, and one at Boomplaas Cave in South Africa. Although both projects focus on paleoecology, she uses different methods at each. At Langmahdhalde, she now focuses on traditional zooarchaeological methods and stable isotopes, while at Boomplaas Cave, she is a microfaunal specialist.
This course is designed for archaeologists at any stage in their career (including students and late career stage) who are not specialists in zooarchaeology or who do not work with the quantification units used regularly in zooarchaeology. We will focus on learning about three of the most commonly used quantification units: Number of Identified Specimens (NISP), Minimum Number of Elements (MNE), and Minimum Number of Individuals (MNI). We will learn how to calculate these units and the history of their development, but, more importantly, will also learn how to interpret them and evaluate their use and applicability to research questions. This course will be broken up into lecture, practical, and discussion portions that will give participants the tools to easily and more accurately interpret zooarchaeological studies that use these three units. Additionally, reference materials, lecture slides, and study examples will be provided to all participants.
  1. Explain how NISP, MNE, and MNI are calculated
  2. Describe the limitations of each of these quantification units
  3. Analyze when it is appropriate to apply each of these quantification units
  4. Be able to critically evaluate and understand these units in colleagues' research
  5. Be able to discuss how these units apply to and can address specific research questions

Black Heritage Resources: Why They Matter [Career Pathways]

Registration Closed!

Black Heritage Resources: Why They Matter [Career Pathways]

When: February 15, 2023 3:00-4:30 PM ET

Duration: 1 hours

Certification: RPA-certified


Individual Registration: Free to SAA members; $30 for non-members

Group Registration: Free to SAA members; $30 for non-members

Kimball Banks, PhD, RPA

Dr. Banks is a Principal investigator at Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc. He specializes in cultural resource management, Native American consultation, historic preservation law, North American archaeology, and North African prehistory.

Maria Franklin, PhD

Dr. Franklin is a Professor at the University of Texas, Austin. Her expertise is in historical archaeology, black-feminist theory, African Diaspora studies, race, and gender. She served as the chair of the Black Heritage Resources Task Force.

J.W. Joseph, PhD, RPA

Dr. Joseph is co-founder, Director, and Project Manager at New South Associates. He has experience in historical archeology, HABS/HAER documentation, Native American consultation, Traditional Cultural Property studies, and specializes in African-American studies.

Sarah Herr, PhD, RPA

Dr. Herr is the President of Desert Archaeology, Inc. and editor of SAA’s Advances in Archaeological Practice. She specializes in prehistoric and early historic Southwest United States and cultural resource management.

All panelists served on the Black Heritage Resources Task Force.

This session will discuss the findings and recommendations of the Black Heritage Resources Task Force. The Task Force was organized in 2020 and had two goals. The first was to compile and analyze data on SHPO practices with respect to identifying and managing Black cultural resources, implementing diversity initiatives, and consulting with Black stakeholders. The second goal was to provide recommendations to SHPOs on ways to strengthen and improve their objectives, practices, and endeavors related to racial diversity and inclusion. The Task Force was a collaboration between the Society of Black Archaeologists (SBA), the American Cultural Resources Association (ACRA), the Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA), and the Society for American Archaeology (SAA). Task Force members belonged to one or more of these organizations and were archaeologists who work or have worked in cultural resource management (CRM), academe, or in a State Historic Preservation Office.

The majority of this session will be a discussion. It is open for attendees to ask questions and for the panelists to receive input on the findings and recommendations of the Task Force.

Sponsored by the Black Heritage Resources Task Force. 15% of each non-member registration will be donated to SAA's Student Excellence in Archaeology Scholarship, which is designed to increase recruitment and retention of under represented students in archaeology. The remainder of the fee is used to keep SAA's Continuing Education program running.
  1. Describe how State Historic Preservation Offices treat Black Heritage Resources
  2. Explore differences between states and regions in how these resources are treated
  3. Recommend how to improve the management of Black cultural resources and consultation 
  4. Discuss together how to engage Black stakeholders better across the United States and its territories in the management of their Heritage Resources