The Society for American Archaeology is an international organization recognized as a leading voice in support of archaeology. SAA is the go-to resource for archaeology and archaeological issues. Our leadership is comprised of highly trained and experienced archaeologists. and our members are on the forefront of cutting edge research.
Archaeology captures the public's imagination, uncovers common origins, and helps us understand our shared past. TV shows, movies, books, and articles about archaeology and archaeologists are a constant hit in mainstream media. SAA is committed to helping the media and entertainment industries portray archaeology responsibly and factually. We invite inquiries from the media about the exciting research and work being done by SAA archaeologists, the practice of archaeology, and about issues related to policy that affect archaeology.
SAA News
Sep 25, 2020
SAA Protests the Bureau of Land Management Moving Forward in Chaco Culture Region
In a letter to the Bureau of Land Management, the SAA expressed its opposition to the BLM moving forward with a new Resource Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement for the sale of oil and gas extraction leases in the Mancos Shale area in the Chaco Culture region.
Aug 14, 2020
Demystifying CRM Careers
Join us on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 1-3 PM Eastern Time for a free virtual panel discussion for students or early career professionals.
Jul 21, 2020
Call for Nominations for SAA Leadership Positions
The 2021 SAA Nominating Committee invites the names of candidates for the January 2021 election ballot. Deadline for nominations is July 31, 2020.
Jul 15, 2020
Update on Proposed Changes to NEPA
SAA is aware of the president's statement announcing the administration's intent to publish dramatic changes to the regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act. Our full statement concerning the revised guidelines is now online.
Jul 14, 2020
2019 JCR Impact Factors Underscore Strength of SAA Journals American Antiquity and Latin American Antiquity
American Antiquity’s journal Impact Factor trended up in 2019 while Latin American Antiquity maintained its solid standing.
Jul 01, 2020
Statement and Commitments from SAA Editors to Change the Underrepresentation of Black, Indigenous, and Other Scholars from Diverse Backgrounds in Our Publications
The editors of the four SAA publications—American Antiquity, Latin American Antiquity, Advances in Archaeological Practice, and The SAA Archaeological Record—and the editors of The SAA Press are committed to changing the underrepresentation of Black and Indigenous scholars and other groups in our publications.
Jun 24, 2020
Statement Concerning CalNAGPRA
Jun 08, 2020
Call for Editor, Advances in Archaeological Practice
The SAA invites applications for the editorship of Advances in Archaeological Practice—the most recently established journal published by the Society, currently in its 8th volume.
Jun 02, 2020
SAA Calls on Archaeologists to Confront Racial Injustice
Archaeologists have a crucial part to play in dismantling institutions of oppression, in our own field and in society as a whole.
May 15, 2020
SAA Archaeological Ethics Survey Closes June 5
The deadline for the survey to collect membership feedback on existing ethical principles has been extended to June 5. In lieu of the forum that was planned for 85th Annual Meeting in Austin, please take a moment to view videos from the panelists speaking to a range of topics and issues.
May 12, 2020
Debra Martin Appointed Editor of American Antiquity
SAA is pleased to announce that Dr. Debra L. Martin has been appointed as the new editor of the SAA journal American Antiquity, the premier journal of North American archaeology.
May 07, 2020
SAA 2020 Online Archaeology Week Round-Up
Due to the cancellation of SAA’s Austin Public Archaeology Day, we celebrated public archaeology online the week of April 27-May 3! SAA social media accounts posted videos and resources on archaeology in Texas and elsewhere.
Apr 24, 2020
SAA Announces 2020 Award Recipients
SAA is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2020 awards. The Society for American Archaeology Awards recognize and honor knowledge and professional achievements at all career levels--from student and early career archaeologists to those who have made lasting contributions to the Society and the profession.
Apr 22, 2020
Take the SAA Archaeological Ethics Survey
Your feedback is essential to our growth and improvement as an organization, and to our field. The SAA Archaeological Ethics Survey is open to SAA members, former members, and non-members. The survey closes May 15.
Apr 17, 2020
Call for Submissions for the 86th Annual Meeting is Now Open!
Since SAA had to cancel its meeting this year, and we know many of you would like to resubmit, we are opening the Call for Submissions for the 86th Annual Meeting early. We hope you will join us in San Francisco, April 14-18, 2021.
Apr 09, 2020
Help Support Economic Stimulus Legislation
Congress is discussing preparing another stimulus bill to enhance the Paycheck Protection Program and unemployment initiatives put forth in earlier legislation. This is a key opportunity for SAA's members and others to weigh in on the crafting of this next round of legislation.
Apr 01, 2020
State Archaeology Celebration Poster Contest Now Open for Voting
The contest celebrates states or communities whose posters in honor of Archaeology Week or Month best exemplify the vibrant role played by archaeology, heritage, and preservation within the community. SAA members or 2020 Annual Meeting registrants are eligible to vote.
Mar 12, 2020
SAA Cancels 85th Annual Meeting
It is with deep regret that we must announce that the Society for American Archaeology’s Board of Directors has voted to cancel the 85th Annual Meeting in Austin this April due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak.
Mar 03, 2020
Past 85th Annual Meeting Updates--COVID 19
Updated March 10, 2020.
Feb 11, 2020
SAA Protests Destruction of Archaeological and Native American Cultural Sites at Border Wall
SAA condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the recent destruction of several places of great cultural and historic importance to Native American tribes in order to facilitate the construction of the border wall. We demand that all further building activity in the affected areas cease until a complete re-working of this phase of the project has taken place.