The Society for American Archaeology is an international organization recognized as a leading voice in support of archaeology. SAA is the go-to resource for archaeology and archaeological issues. Our leadership is comprised of highly trained and experienced archaeologists. and our members are on the forefront of cutting edge research.
Archaeology captures the public's imagination, uncovers common origins, and helps us understand our shared past. TV shows, movies, books, and articles about archaeology and archaeologists are a constant hit in mainstream media. SAA is committed to helping the media and entertainment industries portray archaeology responsibly and factually. We invite inquiries from the media about the exciting research and work being done by SAA archaeologists, the practice of archaeology, and about issues related to policy that affect archaeology.
SAA News
Sep 02, 2021
SAA 87th Annual Meeting Submission Deadline Extended
Due to the widespread power outages and flooding caused by Hurricane Ida, the submission deadline for the 87th Annual Meeting has been extended to Tuesday, September 14, 2021, at 3:00 p.m. ET.
Aug 13, 2021
SAA Board Statement Concerning the 2022 Annual Meeting
The SAA Board of Directors recognizes the rising COVID 19-rates from the latest variants are a cause for concern about the 2022 SAA annual meeting and its format. Our commitment to member safety remains firm and unchanged, and for this reason, we are closely monitoring the situation.
Aug 02, 2021
SAA Statement Concerning the Treatment of Human Remains Follow-Up Report
The SAA Board is pleased to announce publication of a report by the Committee on Native American Relations and the Committee on Repatriation describing the steps they used to create the recommended language for the updated Statement Concerning the Treatment of Human Remains.
Jun 29, 2021
¡El Premio Charles Stanish ahora acepta solicitudes para 2022
Se estableció el Premio Anual Charles Stanish para asistir a la reunión anual de la SAA para ayudar en el desarrollo profesional de los/las arqueólogos/as peruanos/as y bolivianos/as en las primeras etapas de su quehacer profesional.
Jun 15, 2021
Discovering New Career Trajectories
Join us on Friday, July 9, 2021 at 2:00-4:00 PM Eastern Time for a free virtual panel discussion for students or professionals looking for a change.
Jun 14, 2021
86th Annual Meeting Ombuds Report
The 86th Annual Meeting Ombuds Report, authored by SAA ombuds David Rasch and Elaine Shaw, is now available online.
Jun 04, 2021
The Task Force on Decolonization Listening Session
The Task Force on Decolonization invites SAA members to a listening session on Saturday, June 5 at 8:00 a.m. (PDT).
May 17, 2021
Congratulations to the SAA 2021 award, grant, scholarship, and fellowship recipients!
We weren’t able to honor the 2021 recipients in person this year, but we’ve put together an online awards presentation and hope you will join us in celebrating this year’s recipients.
Apr 30, 2021
The SAA Adopts New Statement Concerning the Treatment of Human Remains
The SAA’s newly revised and adopted Statement Concerning the Treatment of Human Remains replaces the prior statement adopted in 1986.
Apr 28, 2021
A Statement from the SAA Board of Directors Concerning the 86th Annual Meeting
Apr 27, 2021
New Interior Secretarial Order #3398 Protects American Archaeological Heritage
The SAA thanks Interior Secretary Deb Haaland for issuing Interior Secretarial Order #3398, which protects American archaeological heritage.
Mar 05, 2021
SAA 2021 Online Archaeology Week
Join SAA for a celebration of archaeology in California and elsewhere! Online Archaeology Week will run from April 5 to April 9, 2021 with virtual activities and talks.
Feb 17, 2021
Take Action! Help Stop the Destruction of Oak Flat
Please go to our Take Action portal for one of the last remaining opportunities to tell the U.S. Forest Service why endangering Oak Flat is so short-sighted. Comments must be submitted by Feb. 26, 2021.
Dec 10, 2020
SAA 86th Annual Meeting Goes Virtual
Due to the continued impacts of COVID-19, the SAA Board of Directors has voted to conduct the 2021 Annual Meeting in an all-virtual format. The first round of FAQs concerning the meeting is now available.
Nov 16, 2020
New Award Honors Bertha Parker Cody, First U.S. Native American Woman Archaeologist
Bertha Parker Cody is considered the first Native American woman archaeologist and ethnologist in the United States. A new award in her honor will provide support to Native American women in the fields of archaeology or museum studies and will fund professional training, internships, and research.
Nov 09, 2020
SAA Celebrates 30 Years of NAGPRA
Thirty years ago, NAGPRA transformed our field by laying crucial groundwork for a more ethical approach to archaeology. As part of our obligation to continue to improve the ethical practice of archaeology, the SAA is preparing to update our Statement on the Treatment of Human Remains and is soliciting member input in this process.
Oct 30, 2020
Matching Gift Doubles Donations to Support HUGS Program
SAA past president and 2016 Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Meg Conkey has pledged to match gifts to the Historically Underrepresented Groups Scholarships (HUGS) program up to $5,000. Donate today and double your donation.
Oct 21, 2020
United States and Chile Sign Historic MOU to Protect Chilean Cultural Patrimony
The SAA strongly supported the creation of the Memorandum of Understanding, and SAA member Dr. César Méndez testified in favor of the proposal.
Oct 13, 2020
SAA Endorses H.R. 8224, the New Philadelphia (IL) Historical Park Act
SAA endorses bill to create an important African American national historic park at New Philadelphia, Illinois.
Oct 05, 2020
Get Out The Vote!
Election Day in the United States is rapidly approaching. Please take a few minutes to make sure that you are able to vote this year.